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We’re Aimtec.

People and their potential are the cornerstone of manufacturing and logistics digitalisation. That’s why in process digitalisation and automation, we focus both on making our customers resilient and flexible in this swiftly changing digital world and on ensuring this transformation is company-wide.

You don’t need a software company. You need an ability company.

  • Over 28 years
    on the market
  • Over 3,000 process templates; over 5,800 projects worldwide
  • 60% of our customers are in automotive
  • Over 260 employees
  • Projects on four continents,
    in every time zone
  • Revenue of 20 million EUR in 2023
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A comprehensive approach to logistics digitalisation

Our portfolio includes IT solutions for manufacturers and covers every enterprise process for manufacturing and logistics, as well as integration with customers and suppliers.

We unite experts in several digitalisation areas under one roof – from SAP S/4HANA to industrial digitalisation, automation and advanced planning, out to e.g. EDI and hardware. Thanks to this we can lead our customers through the entire project, finish it faster and ensure a real benefit for both a single plant and an entire global network. Gain a partner along with a platform that enables you to continually grow towards long-term sustainable digitalisation for your business.


The future of your supply chain

Build a digitalised factory based on MOM (Manufacturing Operations Management) logic. Think holistically. Unite manufacturing, logistics, maintenance and planning – in short, processes throughout your plant and its production sites.

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What ensures customer projects’ success?

Our partners

Pavel Boháč, Aimtec

“We live in a time when companies need the ability to respond rapidly to practically anything and work from flawless, instantly available data. But without people, digitalisation is impossible. To help our customers’ firms to grow successfully, we offer them the aid of an experienced partner who passes on unique know-how and fosters independent digitally competent teams.”

Pavel Boháč
Chief Executive Officer

Organisations receiving our long-term support

The Czech Alzheimer Foundation

A foundation that supports research into Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative and vascular brain diseases that lead to cognitive function disorders and dementia.

The Summer School of Experimental Surgery

The only event of its kind in the Czech Republic. This school demonstrates experimental surgery through practical examples and offers lectures by leading experts.

The Roman Kreuziger Cycling Academy

Pilsen’s road-racing team for cadets and juniors that helps to popularise cycling. The Academy’s goal is to encourage the nation’s top talents right from their youth and give them the best possible conditions and training.


We are a member of Family Business Network Czech

Family Business Network Czech (FBN Czech) is the Czech branch of the prestigious global association of family businesses, which brings together over 4,000 families from 65 countries worldwide. As a non-profit organisation, FBN Czech supports the development of medium-sized and large Czech family businesses across generations. 

Sustainable business

Sustainability is the foundation for everything we do. Aimtec has earmarked five categories out of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Based on these we strategically plan activities directed at employees, the public and customers.

Health and good living 
Ensuring a healthy life and increasing quality of life for all people at all ages. 


Good education 
Ensuring equal access to inclusive and high-quality education and supporting lifetime education for everyone. 


Economic growth and work with dignity 
Supporting long-lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and work with dignity for everyone. 


Industry, innovation and infrastructure 
Building up durable infrastructure; supporting inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and innovation. 


Responsible consumption and production 
Supporting sustainable consumption and production 


Aimtec is growing 

We are always looking for new people. Join a team that truly listens to the customer and is always looking out for the most beneficial and sustainable digital solution. 
