
Trends in Automotive Logistics 2024

Trends in Automotive Logistics 2024

A total of ten speakers and nearly four hundred participants from Europe and around the world gathered in Pilsen on 18 June for the Trends in Automotive Logistics (TAL 2024) conference organised by Aimtec in cooperation with IHK Regensburg and the Czech-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Leading experts in automotive logistics took the stage at the 23rd edition. The theme "Driving the Digital Fast Lane" ran throughout the programme. The common denominator of the contributions was the way out of the difficult situation in which the entire automotive logistics industry is currently finding itself. Case studies from AISIN and REHAU Automotive gave an insight into what different paths to a fully digitised factory can look like.

About the conference

The Trends in Automotive Logistics (TAL) conference is an event that regularly brings together inspiring speakers from practice and academia with experts from manufacturing, and logistics as well as IT. It is also an opportunity to discuss current topics in logistics, production, or integration and the use of new technologies, methods, and tools from the field of digitalization.