
Press Releases


Aimtec introduces the new platform

Aimtec, a consulting and technology company in Pilsen, Czech Republic, is introducing a new platform: This expands its portfolio of products that are available in both on-premise and, newly, cloud versions. Through this step, Aimtec is responding to the latest IT trends breaking through into manufacturing and striving to offer its customers more flexible systems than ever for manufacturing and logistics.


Aimtec launches an innovation partnership with Bayern Innovativ and Bavaria’s Cluster Automotive

On 14 November 2018, Aimtec became a partner of Bavaria’s Cluster Automotive – and this also made it a part of the innovation network of Bayern Innovativ GmbH, the company that founded this cluster. This cooperation confirms the superb relations between Bohemia and Bavaria. Both companies are expecting a further deepening of Czech-Bavarian relations out of this cooperation, as well as information exchange and cooperation within innovation and technology transfer in the area of products and added value.


The parts are coming! Sure. But an ASN tells when and where

The moment a truck leaves your gates, at its destination they already know what’s loaded onto it and when the goods will arrive. A luxury? For automotive, it’s simply standard, because the supplier sends the customer an Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) at the moment of shipment. Alongside the call-off, it’s one of the two key messages in the whole supply chain. It offers information on the delivery in progress – what goods it contains, in what amounts and packaging, and when they’ll arrive. All this leads to an optimised supplier-customer chain, more precise production planning and optimised stocks.


Everything you need to know about call-offs

We’re calling off what we ordered, we’re ordering what we called off! Call-offs. A word (and above all process) that, while perhaps mysterious, must be learned in order to survive and succeed in automotive. But what really is the magic of this word? And what about the rest of the words in the full spell, like “delay”, “immediate need”, and “cumulative quantities”?


The Seven Steps to a Successful EDI Deployment

Electronic data interchange (EDI) has become a standard in a growing number of sectors. In automotive, EDI is uncompromisingly demanded not only by all of the world’s automakers, but also by a growing number of TIER1 suppliers. So if you want to acquire orders from automotive you can’t avoid EDI. 


The foundations of communication in automotive

The automotive sector places greater demands on suppliers than almost any other sector. Individual components need to meet strict criteria for the quality and traceability of materials, and additionally electronic data interchange (EDI) plays a key role. Although EDI doesn’t hold responsibility for manufacturing directly, integration with suppliers and customers is fundamental. If for example ASN (Advance Shipping Notice) messages remain undelivered for any reason, or they contain mistakes, fines (defect charges) from automakers are a real, and threatening, possibility. These affect a supplier’s overall rating, and with it, its future contracts. Invoicing takes place over EDI as well, and so it’s important for everything to work as it should.