Press Release

Trends in Automotive Logistics 2024: Get into the Digital Fast Lane

  • 16/5/2024

The Trends in Automotive Logistics Conference (TAL 2024) is coming very soon – on June 18. Its title for 2024 is Driving the Digital Fast Lane, and it will bring you the latest topics through the eyes of Czech and international speakers, inspiring presentations, and case studies from practice, as well as opportunities for networking and discussion. 

The automotive sector grows more dynamic by the day. The recent crises and upheavals have spurred vigorous changes and innovations throughout the supply chain. New technologies, automation and artificial intelligence are playing a fundamental role. Digital transformation is like a road that enterprises drive down to adapt to changing conditions and gain a competitive advantage. What do the “drivers” – logisticians and IT experts – need so they can enter the fast lane of the digitalisation highway? What technologies, platforms and abilities are required for their teams to make it safely to the finish?

Roman Žák, the co-founder of conference organiser Aimtec, has this to say about the TAL 2024 programme: “The trends that have appeared in recent years in the context of digitalisation and automation are countless, and it’s not easy to keep track of them, find your bearings and assess the real potential of all the options on offer. That’s why this year’s programme touches on topics such as the practical use of simulation technology and work with large amounts of data, as well as cybersecurity – both in connection with the rise of artificial intelligence and otherwise. We also provide a peep inside the interesting area of battery logistics and wrap up with some reflections on how to keep a level head amongst all today’s progress and technological advances.

Speakers such as Michael Colberg, the COO of REHAU Automotive, Michael Fichtner, the Head of Digitalisation Operations at Continental Automotive and Tomáš Sauer, the Global Competence Leader at FORVIA HELLA, will be sharing their real-world experiences. The former professional cyclist and cyclo-cross competitor Zdeněk Štybar has accepted our invitation and will be closing out the conference with a completely fresh look at speed.

Take this opportunity to meet our speakers and other experts in logistics, manufacturing and IT from the European automotive sector in person. As in past years, our speakers at TAL 2024 will be openly sharing the field’s best practices – and the things case studies won’t tell you.

The TAL conference (Trends in Automotive Logistics) is organised by Aimtec in cooperation with the German-Czech Chamber of Industry and Commerce and IHK Regensburg. This event joins inspiring speakers from the practical and academic spheres with experts in manufacturing, logistics and IT. It’s a space for discussing the latest topics in logistics, manufacturing, integration and more – and a presentation point for new technologies, methods and resources from the world of digitalisation.

TAL 2024 – Driving the Digital Fast Lane

Tuesday, 18 June 2024 / 8:30–17:00 + evening networking
Parkhotel Pilsen (U Borského parku 31, 301 00 Pilsen)

The full programme is available on the conference website:

All presentations will be simultaneously interpreted to/from Czech, German and English.

Main partners: SAP and Zebra Technologies

Conference partners: 4IGV, AIMPARTNERS, AKJ Automotive, Asprova, Bayern Innovativ, Beratungsbüro Oberpfalz, Ernst & Young, European Region Danube-Vltava – Lower Bavaria Consultancy Office, IHK Reutlingen – Automotive, South Bohemian Chamber of Commerce, JOBka, LogTech, the Pilsen Region, Proglove, SKLAD (Spolek Kompetentních Logistiků a Dodavatelů), Software 602, STILL, VertiFlex and Happenee

Media partners: Aimtec Insights, Automa CZ, CIO Business World, Computerworld, Dopravní noviny, Ekonom, IT Systems, Logistika.Tv, Packaging Herald, praktická LOGISTIKA, Reliant Group, Robotic journal, Svět průmyslu, Systémy logistiky and TechMagazín


For over a quarter of a century, we have been guiding companies in the automotive industry on the path of digital transformation. We help them to digitalise and automate production, logistics, and the supply chain into one functional unit so that their transformation is a real benefit. We enable our customers to learn and standardize, to be efficient, and at the same time, to respond flexibly to the changes they face every day.

Media Contact: 

Petra Troblová
Key Account Marketing Manager
+420 724 284 141