System integration
Gain the benefits of business process automation.
Leave the chaos to your competitors.
Transfer data seamlessly and securely
Let us guide you through the entire integration process – from your original request right to the moment when data flows smoothly among your systems. As we work together, we’ll help you to integrate your systems and teach you how to utilise integration and develop it further.
- Integration architecture design
Get on the right track thanks to our expert integration architecture design. We focus on the key aspects that will push you ahead and help you to define your development direction.
- Development of your integration projects
Implement specific integration logic (a use case) shaped around your needs. Build your implementation logic based on APIs with the use of DevOps approaches.
- Long-term sustainability
Ensure sustainability for your integration logic by using well-designed integration architectures. Amplify your efficiency by taking existing, well-tested integrations and re-using them in new situations.
- Data accessibility
Transfer data safely among systems in your organisation and access it in a unified way while respecting all your security requirements. Harness your data to optimise and support your business processes.
Our customers

Our solution’s benefits will win you over
Gain a partner who listens – and who understands your needs. We understand your business and technologies.
Experience with manufacturing companies
Resolve your problems alongside a partner that's not limited to just integrations – one that can share cross-industry know-how throughout your company. Gain a partner that’s an expert in SAP S/4HANA and other systems.
Data extraction with AI
Documents that are processed manually can be digitized using AI, ensuring automatic transfer to ERP, reducing errors, and speeding up the entire process.
Assignments made simple
Save time on explaining your assignment. We know this segment well, and so we can both work based on your assignment and prepare one along with you.
Technological insight
Thanks to the broad view that we have of technologies and of integration styles, we can help you to design the right solution. Save time on complicated decision-making.
Integration expertise
Use our 25+ years of experience in integrations.
Experience with integration projects in a variety of areas
PLM integration, shop floor integration, ETL, integrations of HR systems and integrations with external partners – these are just a few examples of what we can handle.
Architecture and implementation methodology
We’ll recommend an appropriate architecture for your integrations, whether that means API-led connectivity or EDA (Event Driven Architecture), and we’ll also choose a suitable implementation method. (We draw from among SAP ISA-M, MuleSoft Catalyst and more.)
Long-term sustainability
Benefit from ready-made connectors and templates. Thanks to reusability, over the long term you’ll finish your projects two to five times faster than you would with point-to-point integration.
Hybrid integration
Integrate both on-premise and cloud systems using the same technology. Utilise integration platforms installed both in the cloud and on-premise, depending on your needs.
“From an architecture perspective, I can say that it's one thing to have the right tools, it's another to know how to use them. What you really need are integration architects who will help you to set the right direction and guide you through the entire process.”

Lukáš Rampa Research & Development

Propojte výrobu s dalšími systémy
Jiné řešení
MES jako samostatné
Využijte výhod řešení MES v systému DCIx.

Doplňte vaše MES řešení o zařízení Zebra
Zebra poskytuje široké portfolio produktů a služeb v oblasti automatické identifikace. Poradíme vám s výběrem té nejvhodnější technologie.
Want to learn more about System integration? Contact our specialist.
Integration Platforms
We’ll provide advice on your choice based on your specific needs. Capitalise on our experience with different integration platforms:
SAP Process Orchestration (PI/PO)
SAP Integration Suite
- MuleSoft Anypoint Platform
- Workato
- Microsoft Power Automate
Integrační platformy
Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum, link
- SAP Integration Suite
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- Mulesoft
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- Jitterbit (Workato)
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- Microsoft Logic Apps
Lorem ipsum,lorem ipsum, lorem
- Microsoft Power Automate
Lorem ipsum,lorem ipsum, lorem
- Aimtec Integration Platform
Lorem ipsum,lorem ipsum, kotva na kontaktní formulář Spojte se s námi
Aimtec Insights
Get in touch
Want to learn more about this solution? Contact an Aimtec specialist. They’ll show you all its specifics, along with examples of specific deployments.
Marek Šabatka Business Consultant B2B & SCM Solutions